Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hot Flash Symptoms In Women with the Menopause

Hot flash symptoms in women
Hot flash symptoms in women included severe hot and sometimes severe cold that is experienced by woman with menopause. These hot flash symptoms happen for several times repeat (about two up to three times) in a week. The worst, these   hot flash symptoms happen all day in a week. You should prepare your mental and physics during the symptoms because many people desperate or depress during this symptoms.
Hot flash symptom can happen to someone when the estrogen hormone decrease, especially woman with the menopause. The symptoms of hot flash always followed by the complications such as pain, ache, skin problems, vaginal dryness, and sleep problems. Generally The five symptoms of hot flash and the complication was caused by the decreasing of estrogen hormone. Therefore, to relieve the symptoms experienced, it is high recommended to consume foods containing substance can increase the estrogen hormone. These recommended foods are: wheat, cucumber, yams, green beans, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, corn, apples, anise seeds, cabbage, beets, olive oil, olives, papaya, oats, peas, sunflower seeds. The importance of those natural estrogens is rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals. This is essential not only for menopause, but also to maintain an overall good health.
The decreasing of estrogen levels affects changes in collagen production and the result is the low moisturizer in the skin.  Then, the skin is usually dry, itch, thin, less elastic, during the hot flash symptoms along with the complications symptoms.   Even, not only affect your skin but also hairs, nails and tendon affected as well. Keep your attention to your symptoms of hot flash because on the long run the low estrogen level affecting the progressive of osteoporosis, tooth problems such as tooth decay,  heart disease, cardiovascular problems, and vaginal complications. 

The Hot Flash Symptoms In Women  is Not Disease

The average ages of the normal menopause around 51 years. If your menopause happens before 45 years old then this is called early menopause. If your menopause happens at your 40 years old and then this is called premature menopause. However, basically your menopause which is followed by the hot flash symptoms along with the complications symptoms is not a disease. it is kind of changing phase from young women to old woman which affect the inner part of their body and this is signed by the menstruation stops. Actually, the phase of symptoms of hot flash happens many years before your menopause really happen. The next step after the hot flash symptoms is the decreasing of hormone production like estrogen, testosterone and progesterone. The last step, the menstruation begins to stop.

The Phase Before and After Hot Flash Symptoms In Women

The symptoms of hot flash along with the complications symptoms happens during in the middle of the per menopause phase.  Per menopause is the phase of menopausal symptoms beginning to the post menopause. So, in your phase of menopause, there are three steps of menopause. The beginning of menopause which is signed by the symptom of hot flash, the menopause which is signed by no bleeding in your menopause time and the last post menopause. In conclusion, When your menopause begins stopping is normal reaction and not a disease, so be calm in your hot flash symptoms in women.

Treatment for Hot Flashes Natural Treatment by Stress Reduction And Changing Lifestyle

Treatment for hot flashes natural treatment
Treatment for hot flashes natural treatment can be done by making new lifestyle in your everyday life. Making new lifestyle can be interpreted as a way to throw away the bad lifestyle that along with you and take the good lifestyle into your new life ahead.  Treatment for hot flashes can be done at home by yourself if you really recognize the external factors which lead to hot flashes. The treatment for hot flashes at home included  avoiding the hot flashes trigger such as hot food, hot tubs, saunas, alcohol, caffeine, diet pills, spicy food, hot showers, hot beds, hot rooms, hot weather and smoking.

All Kinds of Treatment for Hot Flashes Natural Treatment

 Besides, exercise is one of alternatives can be done in treatments for hot flashes. Exercise becomes an effort for people with hot flashes to increase the activity and body temperature. Why should increase the activity and body temperature? The increasing of activity and body temperature can affect the  hot flashes. In this case decrease the risk of hot flashes. Besides, exercise is also has positive impact on the symptoms of hot flashes and the complications. In this case, the exercise can decrease the mood swings, loss of libido,    fatigue, insomnia, decrease cholesterol levels, good for heart, good bone, and muscle health.
Other treatment for hot flashes included Relaxation and stress reduction. As you know that over stress becomes one of trigger factor of hot flashes and therefore there is must be a way to decrease this stress. Relaxations are the answer of your stress reduction and they are: breathing, exercises, meditation, visualization    massage, hypnosis, yoga and biofeedback techniques.
Doing diet on your treatment for hot flash. a low-fat diet kind of diet will help you to decrease fat in your blood. Losing excess weight can help, but not too much because when you are being too thin, then the symptoms of hot flashes going to be worse.  You can also consume herbal remedy and soy because they contain estrogen and therefore they are give good impact on hot flashes. Other alternative for your choice on herbal treatment is Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine has a long period in tradition of treating hot flashes. Chinese medicine usually involves acupuncture to make active your inner wind, energy, or spirit. In Chinese medicine is also known herbal. The Chinese doctor will make a mixture of many different herbs which are cooked together to make a tea your hot flashes. The mixture of these herbs contains estrogen. Ginseng, evening primrose oil, licorice root, red raspberry leaves, sarsaparilla, spearmint, damiana, motherwort, chasteberry,  black cohosh, and wild yams are several herbs use to provided in cninese medicine for hot flashes.

The Best Way of Your Treatment for Hot Flashes Natural Treatment

Avoiding the trigger factors of hot flashes, doing exercise, diet, stress reduction by relaxation, herb medicine and many more you can do to reduce your symptoms of hot flashes. All about these treatment principally making a change in your lifestyle. Manu more you can do, such as therapy, consume vitamin and antidepressant, blood pressure-lowering medication and so on. Still, whatever the term, principally reduce your stress and change your life style is the best way of your treatment for hot flashes natural treatment.

Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes Treatment and Its Complications: herb, water and habitual action

Natural remedies for hot flashes treatment
Natural remedies for hot flashes treatment involve plant, water, or habitual action can be used to heal the symptoms of hot flash. Even, yourself can apply natural remedies for hot flashes  at your house. This is will be very much helpful for people who intend to natural remedy than chemical remedy. However, you should realize that the natural remedies for hot flashes still need a contact with a doctor to control the treatment and make sure the symptoms that are experienced indeed the hot flash. In fact, there are several diseases that have the similar symptoms with the hot flash.

Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes Treatment and Its Complications

 There are 5 symptoms following hot flashes symptoms and they are: sleep problems, hot flash, vaginal dryness, pain and ache and skin problems.  The natural treatment for hot flashes and other symptoms following it, can be applied to these 5 symptoms and it is high recommended to ask the expert advice when following this natural remedies.
The first symptoms related to sleep problems. These sleep problems usually present in form of insomnia. To handle your problem in insomnia you can try to go outside when the sunrise around 07.00 A.M to get exposure with sunlight. Other alternative of natural remedies for hot flash and other symptoms follows it which related to sleep problems by taking exercise everyday at least 15-30 minutes. The mixture both sunlight exposure with exercise is better for your sleep.  The sunlight exposure at sunrise (this is not mean look directly to the sun) and exercise regularly will make your body temperature rise and fall down regularly and this is will cause your sleep better.
Natural remedies for hot flashes and its complications related to hot flash symptoms are drink 8 glasses of fresh water or take 800 mg. rose oil 3 times a day. To relieve the problems related to vaginal dryness, you can use almond oil as lubricant, geranium essential oil and a capsule of 1,000 IU of vitamin E. Mix all the three ingredients and put to the inside and outside the vagina twice a day. You can also apply massage oil such as almond oil, olive oil or other oil for massaging before doing the massage as a solution for your pain and ache. Take selenium about 50mg.,  vitamin C about 2,000 mg and 10 mg beta-carotene, once a day to relive the skin problems. Besides, you can also use almond oil or olive oil as moisturizer for the skin dryness.

My Choice Goes to Natural Remedies Treatment for Hot Flashes

The hot flash is usually followed by its complications such as pain and ache, skin problems, vaginal dryness, sleep problems. However, you do not have to panic when these symptoms came to you, but still you need a doctor to make sure the symptoms experienced indeed the hot flash.  In fact, several diseases have the similar symptoms with the hot flash. To relieve the hot flash along with the complications if your choice goes to herb than the chemical remedies, then follow the natural remedies for hot flashes treatment.

Hot Flashes in Young Women Symptoms with Special and Non- Special Case

Hot flashes in young women symptoms
Hot flashes in young women symptoms  are common thing, but many people do not know this. Hot flashes in young women have the similar symptoms with the hot flashes in older women. However, sometimes hot flashes in young women have severe symptoms and longer lasting than hot flashes in older women. In this case, it is not about young age or old age which makes the difference of symptoms and period of the hot flashes. This is about the external factors such as women with breast cancer.  If you have had breast cancer, the hot flashes can be more intense and last longer.

The Causes Factors of Hot Flashes in Young Women Symptoms

The hot flashes in young women are normally affect women in their age of mid to late 30s. the hot flashes that occur to young women usually caused by medications and lifestyle which lead to the decreasing of estrogen hormone. If the hot flashes related to medications, this is usually due to the medical surgery. Meanwhile, if the hot flashes related to lifestyle, this is usually due to overdoses in what you eat. For example, overdoses in alcohol.
Many things which are included in causes factors of   hot flash in young women. The cause’s factors are grouped into two categories. These categories are: the intern factors such as diseases and extern factors such as lifestyle and medications. To know in-depth the cause’s factors of hot flashes that occur to young women, I will introduce them into details. 
The first causes factors of hot flashes in young women is estrogen crash: Estrogen crash is an abnormal condition when the productions of estrogen hormones in the body decrease significantly. Women with estrogen crash are usually aged between 15 - 44 years. The second causes, hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is a condition when women have overactive thyroid inside their body. Women with hyperthyroidism are usually aged between early 20s and 30s. The third is over consumption of food. When you are over consumption of certain type of food such as meat containing nitrites and wine comprising sulfites, then you are at the risk of hot flashes. The fourth, is complete hysterectomy. Complete hysterectomy is a condition when the women experience or undergo both surgical removal of the uterus and the ovaries due to medical reasons. The fifth is abnormal condition of pituitary glands. When the women experience an abnormal condition of their pituitary glands, then they are at risk of hot flashes. The sixth, other factors. These other factor of hot flashes related to health problems and lifestyle. The factors related to health problems such as HIV, diabetes, tuberculosis, etc. Meanwhile, the factors related to lifestyle such as over stress, over consumption of smoking, caffeine, white sugar, spicy food, alcohol, energy drinks and medications, etc.

Special Case Makes Hot Flashes in Young Women Symptoms  and Older Women Differ

The hot flashes occur to young women and older women basically similar in the symptoms and period. If there are something makes both of young women and older women with hot flashes differ, then this is focused on special cases. These are special cases such as breast cancer, medical surgery, etc. Thus, basically there are no difference between hot flashes in older women and hot flashes in young women symptoms.

What Are Hot Flashes Like and What Are the Characteristics

What are hot flashes like
What are hot flashes like? Hot flashes are not diseases, but they are symptoms that are experienced women with menopause. Many things that are included in menopause symptoms, but these hot flashes are the most popular among the others. To recognize what are hot flashes, then you should recognize the symptoms of hot flashes. These several symptoms are included in hot flashes characteristic, and they are:  intense hot sensation on the face and upper body, it is usually along with sweating, anxiety, headache, nausea, a rapid heartbeat, dizziness and weakness. On the other hand, to define what are hot flashes does not always recognized from the hot sensation on face and upper body. At sometimes, hot flashes are recognized from cold sensation on the skin whereas the others around you do not feel that cold sensation.

Recognize What Are Hot Flashes Like from the Cause Factors

To know what are hot flash do not enough by recognizing the hot flashes definition only. Many things you should know about hot flashes. In this case, you should know what factors cause the hot flashes. I will begin to explain the hot flashes causes from menopause women. The cause factor of hot flashes to Menopause women is hormonal change in the phase of menopause. The hormone inside Menopause women’s body moves fluctuated. In this case, when the women got their menopause, the estrogen hormone begins to decrease.  A low level of estrogen affects on the part of the brain called hypothalamus, one of hypothalamus responsibilities are controlling body temperature. The hypothalamus reads this low level of estrogen as too hot body temperature. The next, brain grasps this message and order the heart, blood vessels, and nervous system to cool down the temperature. Therefore, the heart pumps faster, the blood vessels wider and the sweat glands produce more sweat and all of these efforts have a purpose to cool down the body temperature.  
Other thing you should know of what are hot flashes, included non-menopause women with the hot flashes. In this case, I will talk about the causes of hot flashes which are experienced by non-menopause women. The hot flashes are caused as well due to lifestyle and medications. This is also means you are at risk of hot flashes, even if you are men.
Knowing what are hot flash in-depth such as when they occur, what you were eating before they occur, what you were doing before they occur are important to anticipate.  These lists are the cause factors of hot flashes that occur to women without menopause. They are: over stress, spicy food, hot food, alcohol, hot rooms, hot weather, caffeine, diet pills, saunas, hot showers, hot beds, and smoking.

Knowing In-Depth Of What Are Hot Flashes Like

The hot flashes are not only experienced by women with menopause, but also women without menopause. Even, men also has chance to feel the sensation of hot flashes. Hot flashes occur to Women with menopause is caused by the changing of hormone inside body. Meanwhile, women or men experiencing the hot flushes can be recognized the causes from lifestyle and medications. Then, to anticipate the occurring of hot flashes or the worst effects, people should know in-depth of what are hot flashes like.