Thursday, January 3, 2013

Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes Treatment and Its Complications: herb, water and habitual action

Natural remedies for hot flashes treatment
Natural remedies for hot flashes treatment involve plant, water, or habitual action can be used to heal the symptoms of hot flash. Even, yourself can apply natural remedies for hot flashes  at your house. This is will be very much helpful for people who intend to natural remedy than chemical remedy. However, you should realize that the natural remedies for hot flashes still need a contact with a doctor to control the treatment and make sure the symptoms that are experienced indeed the hot flash. In fact, there are several diseases that have the similar symptoms with the hot flash.

Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes Treatment and Its Complications

 There are 5 symptoms following hot flashes symptoms and they are: sleep problems, hot flash, vaginal dryness, pain and ache and skin problems.  The natural treatment for hot flashes and other symptoms following it, can be applied to these 5 symptoms and it is high recommended to ask the expert advice when following this natural remedies.
The first symptoms related to sleep problems. These sleep problems usually present in form of insomnia. To handle your problem in insomnia you can try to go outside when the sunrise around 07.00 A.M to get exposure with sunlight. Other alternative of natural remedies for hot flash and other symptoms follows it which related to sleep problems by taking exercise everyday at least 15-30 minutes. The mixture both sunlight exposure with exercise is better for your sleep.  The sunlight exposure at sunrise (this is not mean look directly to the sun) and exercise regularly will make your body temperature rise and fall down regularly and this is will cause your sleep better.
Natural remedies for hot flashes and its complications related to hot flash symptoms are drink 8 glasses of fresh water or take 800 mg. rose oil 3 times a day. To relieve the problems related to vaginal dryness, you can use almond oil as lubricant, geranium essential oil and a capsule of 1,000 IU of vitamin E. Mix all the three ingredients and put to the inside and outside the vagina twice a day. You can also apply massage oil such as almond oil, olive oil or other oil for massaging before doing the massage as a solution for your pain and ache. Take selenium about 50mg.,  vitamin C about 2,000 mg and 10 mg beta-carotene, once a day to relive the skin problems. Besides, you can also use almond oil or olive oil as moisturizer for the skin dryness.

My Choice Goes to Natural Remedies Treatment for Hot Flashes

The hot flash is usually followed by its complications such as pain and ache, skin problems, vaginal dryness, sleep problems. However, you do not have to panic when these symptoms came to you, but still you need a doctor to make sure the symptoms experienced indeed the hot flash.  In fact, several diseases have the similar symptoms with the hot flash. To relieve the hot flash along with the complications if your choice goes to herb than the chemical remedies, then follow the natural remedies for hot flashes treatment.

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