Thursday, January 3, 2013

Treatment for Hot Flashes Natural Treatment by Stress Reduction And Changing Lifestyle

Treatment for hot flashes natural treatment
Treatment for hot flashes natural treatment can be done by making new lifestyle in your everyday life. Making new lifestyle can be interpreted as a way to throw away the bad lifestyle that along with you and take the good lifestyle into your new life ahead.  Treatment for hot flashes can be done at home by yourself if you really recognize the external factors which lead to hot flashes. The treatment for hot flashes at home included  avoiding the hot flashes trigger such as hot food, hot tubs, saunas, alcohol, caffeine, diet pills, spicy food, hot showers, hot beds, hot rooms, hot weather and smoking.

All Kinds of Treatment for Hot Flashes Natural Treatment

 Besides, exercise is one of alternatives can be done in treatments for hot flashes. Exercise becomes an effort for people with hot flashes to increase the activity and body temperature. Why should increase the activity and body temperature? The increasing of activity and body temperature can affect the  hot flashes. In this case decrease the risk of hot flashes. Besides, exercise is also has positive impact on the symptoms of hot flashes and the complications. In this case, the exercise can decrease the mood swings, loss of libido,    fatigue, insomnia, decrease cholesterol levels, good for heart, good bone, and muscle health.
Other treatment for hot flashes included Relaxation and stress reduction. As you know that over stress becomes one of trigger factor of hot flashes and therefore there is must be a way to decrease this stress. Relaxations are the answer of your stress reduction and they are: breathing, exercises, meditation, visualization    massage, hypnosis, yoga and biofeedback techniques.
Doing diet on your treatment for hot flash. a low-fat diet kind of diet will help you to decrease fat in your blood. Losing excess weight can help, but not too much because when you are being too thin, then the symptoms of hot flashes going to be worse.  You can also consume herbal remedy and soy because they contain estrogen and therefore they are give good impact on hot flashes. Other alternative for your choice on herbal treatment is Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine has a long period in tradition of treating hot flashes. Chinese medicine usually involves acupuncture to make active your inner wind, energy, or spirit. In Chinese medicine is also known herbal. The Chinese doctor will make a mixture of many different herbs which are cooked together to make a tea your hot flashes. The mixture of these herbs contains estrogen. Ginseng, evening primrose oil, licorice root, red raspberry leaves, sarsaparilla, spearmint, damiana, motherwort, chasteberry,  black cohosh, and wild yams are several herbs use to provided in cninese medicine for hot flashes.

The Best Way of Your Treatment for Hot Flashes Natural Treatment

Avoiding the trigger factors of hot flashes, doing exercise, diet, stress reduction by relaxation, herb medicine and many more you can do to reduce your symptoms of hot flashes. All about these treatment principally making a change in your lifestyle. Manu more you can do, such as therapy, consume vitamin and antidepressant, blood pressure-lowering medication and so on. Still, whatever the term, principally reduce your stress and change your life style is the best way of your treatment for hot flashes natural treatment.

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